Mindset is the FUNdamentals to your daughter believing in her greatness, discovering her inner power to reach her potential and become own BFF.
Your daughter must have either booked or attend the the Hero Minds FUNdamentals & INNERmediates Workshop.
The journey of self discovery continues.... get ready for your daughter to learn some cutting edge information.
The ADvanced workshop will help your daughter dive deeper and understand her behaviours and patterns that are formed through our beliefs, environment and feedback/comments from others. Some of these patterns and behaviours are there to keep her safe, but some of these are FEAR, which holds her back and limits her potential. We smash them!!
We educate her on how to use her whole brain and not just the dominant side which normally takes over around 8 yrs. Your daughter will become more balanced, happier and healthier.... which will help her thrive in life and not just survive.
She will gain a deeper understand and connection & become ADvanced in her inner knowing.... learning that her gut feeling is an important role in her life.
Through yoga, meditation and different modalities, your daughter will learns and use advanced techniques to help her understand & regulate her thoughts and emotions, let go of judgement and become a master of her mind....
Allowing her to follow her heart and begin to create her own reality...... creating her MASTERPIECE for her future. Now that we have unlearnt some of those conditionings, she is able to set her intentions/goals and detail the steps needed to take action when she leaves the workshop.
This is transformational.........
The ADvanced workshop will ADD a new dimension to your daughters self Awareness, self belief & Confidence.
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