Free 7 Day Confidence & Awareness Challenge
for Pre & Tween Girls

Give Your Daughter Insight, Tools & Strategies to be open & curious about becoming the next version of herself.....

7-Day Confidence & Awareness Challenge
Do something different today for your daughter.
This Challenge will do more than just build her confidence, courage and connection.  It will help your daughter discover more about herself 

Whether your child has low, good, or a lot of confidence, she will gain so much from the challenge.  Awareness is key to success, with creativity & creative thinking she will learn more about herself while having FUN.

Or maybe you just want her to experience a new way of doing things to encourage her to be more open & curious, resourceful and resilient.  

The 7-Day Confidence & Awareness Challenge will give your daughter(s) insight, tools & strategies to navigate her daily life.

The challenge will take your daughter out of her comfort zone, and encourage her to see things from a different perspective.  

Your daughter can do the challenge on her own, but I encourage her to do 
it with a friend or family member to make it more fun or 
get the whole family involved.

In fact you could do the challenge over several days or even
7 weeks and concentrate on one area for a whole week

Give your daughter this awesome experience and start her on a journey of
self-discovery & self-awareness.  

The challenge will give her a deeper understanding of the WHAT, WHY and HOW she can increase her awareness, confidence, curiosity, creativity and connection with herself.


Power pose
Harvard did a study on the power pose:  it increases 
testosterone by 20% and drops cortisol by 18% (stress hormone). 
Which increases your chances of taking risky action by 33%
Our girls need this to step out of her comfort zone.

Facing fears
Working through fears brings a 

new level of confidence and trust in oneself.
  Go beyond the fear and GROW to a level your 
daughter never thought possible!!!
Our Mind is designed to keep us safe, 

we bring understanding and clarification 
on how to overcome her fears.  

 Reflecting on the past and recording

 achievements will boost your daughter's confidence.

We all have our own uniqueness.
By understanding what our superpowers are, we gain more 

confidence.  While being open and curious about 
new insights and possibilities.
Different day
Let's get creative and mix things up.
We all get into habits and tend to do things the same way.  

Different day explores how we can do things differently, 
which opens our minds..... and encourages curiosity.

Cool to be kind
Being kind to others helps your daughter to feel a mental 

and/or emotional benefit.  The feel-good chemical that is released 
helps regulate 
her mood and can calm her down.

Juggling Judgement
By recognising and being more open to understanding the 

'how' and the 'why' people judge each other,  
builds emotional intelligence and awareness.........

Each day you will be able to access the specific challenge.  
The videos are about 6 minutes; apart from the first, which is around 10 minutes as it has an introduction too.  
Do them daily or if you have a busy life, do them weekly.

The videos will go through the following: 
- an explanation for that particular challenge
- Fun examples and stories to help your girl grasp the concept
- confirmation of the challenge for them to take action on

Each challenge is designed to be completed within 24 hours, however, just do them when you get a moment.... maybe every 2nd day or build them up to do 2 or 3 in one day.  
Hey, you could even do it weekly and concentrate on that tool or strategy for a WHOLE week.